5 Steps To Prepare Your Songs For Professional Mixing

As a mix engineer myself in this day and age, a lot of sessions get sent over to me online. As a result, I have had numerous sessions from artists where there have been a few phone calls, emails and social media messages back and forth trying to get to a point where I can start to do the job for the client.

It will come as no surprise to some of you that time is money in this industry. If you can save the professional you have hired to mix your tracks hours of time, it will be more cost effective for you in the long run on the project and ultimately will make the process much smoother for both parties.

If you are sending your tracks to someone to get them mixed, they want to do just that, mixing. The last thing the mixer wants to be doing is wasting hours of time arranging the session in to something that makes sense and working things out in terms of tempos, where things need to go, editing etc.

The following 5 steps will help you save a lot of time, money and headaches when you are ready to send your tracks to a professional mix engineer. Continue reading “5 Steps To Prepare Your Songs For Professional Mixing”

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We had a great day recording with Graham. long story short he really understood what we were after and did his best to make us sound as good as possible. he deals in all genres but if you want to record anything funky I recommend going through him as he really gets it. You might even have a few laughs along the way

Michael Lawrence

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